Souang Vesting Tentative Map and Housing Compliance Review (P4134) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project



1501 Lucas Valley Road, San Rafael
Assessor's Parcel: 164-280-35



Project Planner

Immanuel Bereket


John Bogdsarian

Project Description

The applicant requests a Housing Compliance Review (HCR), Vesting Tentative Map (VTM), and Tree Removal Permit approvals for a housing development project at a lot located in the community of Lucas Valley, San Rafael. The proposed project would entail the construction of 36 new single-family detached dwellings, fifteen of which would include optional Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs). Thirty-one dwelling units would be market-rate units, while five would be provided as deed-restricted affordable units (three for very low-income and two for lower-income households). The proposed development, including driveways, pathways, and common areas, would be confined to approximately 7.46 acres of the 61.3-acre site. Additional details are provided below.

Vesting Tentative Subdivision Map
The Vesting Tentative Map application would subdivide a 7.46-acre portion of the site into 36 individual residential lots and a remainder lot. Each market-rate lot would measure 44 feet wide by 66 feet deep and measure approximately 2,904 square feet in area, while the affordable units would measure 36 feet wide by 66 feet deep and measure approximately 2,376 square feet in area. The subdivision would also create common areas such as private streets, sidewalk guest parking spaces, and bio-retention areas.

Housing Compliance Review
The applicant requests Housing Compliance Review approval for the construction of new homes. The project proposes three building plans with three alternate exterior finishes. Fifteen of the residences would include approximately 332 square foot JADUs. The tables below include specifications regarding each of the proposed buildings. Table 1 includes the Building Area, Floor Area, JADU size, Floor Area Ratio (FAR), and lot size, while Table 2 includes the height and the building setback measurements.

Table 1: Proposed Development Standards
Building Plans Building Area1 (size in square feet) Floor Area (size in square feet) JADU Size (size in square feet) FAR Lot Size (size in square feet)
Plan 1 3,304 2,904 332 1.0 2,904
Plan 2 3,393 2,593 n/a .82 2,904
Plan 32 1,930 1,530 n/a .64 2,376

1. Includes an approximately 400 sq. ft. garage per unit.
2. Income-restricted units

Table 2: Proposed Bulk and Mass Standards
Building Design Building Height Front Setback Side Setback Side Setback Rear Setback (feet)
Plan 1 (Farmhouse) 30 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 10 feet
Plan 1 (Craftsman) 28 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 10 feet
Plan 1 (Prairie) 28 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 10 feet
Plan 2 (Farmhouse) 29 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 10 feet
Plan 2 (Craftsman) 27 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 10 feet
Plan 2 (Prairie) 29 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 10 feet
Plan 3 (A) (Farmhouse) 30 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 16 feet
Plan 3 (B) (Craftsman) 30 feet 5 feet 4 feet 4 feet 16 feet

Various site improvements would also be entailed in the proposed development, including landscaping, guest parking spaces, bio-retention areas, driveways, side and rear yard fences on each lot.

Density Bonus
The subject property is governed by the A60 zoning district and is subject to the Housing Overlay Designation (HOD) Combining District. As detailed in Development Code section 22.14.090, up to 1.7 acres of the site may be developed at 15 units per acre under the HOD Combining District. The project proposes to set aside 11 percent of the base project for very  low-income (VLI) households. Therefore, the project qualifies for a density bonus increase of 35 percent, or 10 units, above the otherwise maximum allowable density under the HOD zoning district pursuant to Gov’t Code Section 65915(f)(2). As illustrated in Table 3 below, the project density would increase from 26 units to 36 units. 

Table 3 - Density Bonus Calculations
Base Project Percentage of Low-Income Units Number of VLI Units Percentage of Density Earned Density Bonus Units Earned PROJECT TOTAL
Project without Density Bonus VLI = Very Low Income (30% to 50% AMI) % VLI x Base # Units (rounded up) Per State Law (Sec. 65915(f)(2)) % Bonus x Base # Units (rounded up) Base Project + Density Bonus Units
26 11% 3 35% 10 36

Note: All density calculations resulting in fractional units must be rounded up to the next whole number per State law.

Inclusionary Requirements
Under the County’s Affordable Housing requirements, 20 percent (or 5.2 units) of the base project (26 units) must be income-restricted for low-income households. To meet those requirements, the project proposes three units affordable to very low-income households and two units affordable to lower-income households and pay an in-lieu fee of $74,010 for a fractional unit of .20.

Marin County Permits Required:

  • A tentative map application is required under Section 22.80.030;
  • Tree Removal Permit application is required under Section 22.62.020; and
  • A Housing Compliance Review application is required under Section 22.64.020(A).

Permits under the State law:

  • A Concession under Government Code § 65915(e) to remove the requirement for installation of story-poles.
  • Waivers under Government Code § 65915(d) to modify the following Form Base Code (FBC) development standards:
Form Base Code (FBC) development standards
Development Standard Form Base Code minimum requirements Proposed Project Standard
Lot Width 50' 36'
Lot Depth 100' 66'
Front Setback 20' 3'
Rear Setback 20' 10' to 16'
Side Setback 10' 4'
Driveway Curb Cut Width 12' 18'
Retaining Wall Height 4' 15'
Main Building Depth 48' 53'

A tentative map application is required under Section 22.80.030 of the Development Code; Further, a Housing Compliance Review application is required under Section 22.64.020(A). In accordance with Marin County Code Section 22.62.020, Tree Removal Permit approval is required because the project involves the removal of two trees on a vacant lot that are “protected” under Marin County Code Section 22.130.030.

Zoning: A60-HOD (Agriculture and Conservation, Housing Overlay Designation)
Countywide Plan Designation: AG1-HOD (Agriculture, 1/30-60-ac, Housing Overlay Designation)
Community Plan: None