Emergency Preparedness

This collection of links contains useful information about emergency preparedness and services available in the County of Marin.

American Red Cross

Mass Care Shelters in Marin County are opened and operated by the American Red Cross

Center for Volunteer and Nonprofit Leadership

We create stronger communities through the power of volunteers. We foster excellence in leadership to create more sustainable Bay Area nonprofits. We help nonprofits of every size and mission achieve greater impact. We recruit and place the most qualified leaders for Bay Area nonprofits.

Defensible Space

Information about creating and maintaining defensible space around your home.

Disaster Materials and Resources

Disaster preparedness materials and resources.

Disaster Recovery

Learn about resources available to you and your family.

Earthquake Preparedness

Helpful links and information on how to preparing for earthquakes.

Emergency Medical Services

The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agency is responsible for the planning, implementation and evaluation of the EMS system established to provide prehospital services.

Emergency Preparedness Education

Disaster preparedness training.

Evacuation Preparedness for Your Pets

Information on the Humane Society's plan for animals during and after a disaster.

Fire Safe Planting

Incorporating fire safe concepts into the residential landscape design.

Marin Amateur Radio Society

Our nonprofit service organization (affiliated with Marin County OES) is dedicated to the practice of and training for event monitoring and emergency communications, offering classes and FCC license testing.

Marin Flu Information

Current information about flu in Marin as compiled by the Marin Health and Human Services department.

Office of Emergency Services

Provides emergency management services for the County/Operational Area.

Pet Emergency & Specialty Center of Marin

Designed to function as an extension of the services provided by your family veterinarian, offers both advanced care by veterinary specialists and after-hours emergency care.

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

The goal of Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) is to provide auxiliary communications services (ACS) to the Office of Emergency Services in the event of a significant emergency in Marin County.


Ready is a National public service campaign designed to educate and empower the American people to prepare for, respond to and mitigate emergencies, including natural and man-made disasters. The goal of the campaign is to promote preparedness through public involvement.


Ready Marin is Marin County’s source for information on emergency preparedness, whether you are just starting or an experienced emergency volunteer.

Reducing Your Risks

Find quality ideas and information on how to reduce your risks during a disaster.

SF-Marin Food Bank

Our mission is to end hunger in San Francisco and Marin. We envision a community where everyone is able to obtain enough nutritious food — in a dignified manner — to support the health and well-being of themselves and their families.

Vitalant Blood Donation

Vitalant exists to help people realize their life-transforming potential by offering convenient blood donation opportunities and sharing our expertise in transfusion medicine.

Vulnerable Persons

Seniors and special needs persons disaster preparedness training information.