Steps to Pre-Qualify Your Mix Design

Community Development Agency

Pre-Qualifying Your Mix Design

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We welcome all businesses supplying concrete within Unincorporated Marin County to pre-qualify your mix designs. You're not required to pre-qualify your mix design(s) to be in compliance with the low carbon concrete code, but it's free marketing for your business. Get proof of your compliance and get placed on our approved suppliers list.

Pre-qualify your concrete mix design by following these steps:

  1. Apply online.
  2. We need a few details about your business and your mix design(s). Let us know if this is your first time submitting a mix design, or if you are updating a previously qualified mix design. You'll need to submit one application per mix design. If you've already pre-qualified a mix design and have changed any part of the blend or design, you need to submit a new application. Any mix design found to be altered without re-submittal will be removed from the pre-qualified suppliers list.

    You can also print and fill out the form by hand. Submit a hard copy of this application and your mix design in-person to the planning desk or mail to: 3501 Civic Center Drive, Rm 303, C/O Brian Reyes. Or email to

  3. Receive your confirmation.
  4. Once we receive your application, we'll send you a confirmation email within five business days. It'll take us at least another five business days to review your application. We'll contact you with any questions.

  5. Review your information.
  6. When we're ready to approve your application, we'll send you a final confirmation email to make sure all your information about your mix design is correct. Mix designs that do not qualify does not admit any wrongdoing by the ready-mix supplier.

  7. Get listed.
  8. You'll get a final approval email from us, and we'll add your business and design mix to our approved suppliers list.

Ready to get started? Apply now.

If you have any other questions about the form or need help complying with the ordinance, email us at