Project Description
The applicant has submitted a Preliminary Application Form under SB 330 to construct a single-family residential development at 7 Mount Lassen Drive, in the community of Marinwood, in the Lucas Valley area of unincorporated San Rafael. The 2.35-acre (102,426 square feet) site is currently developed with four, two-story office buildings that would all be demolished to accommodate the project. The site was assigned a “Housing Overlay Designation (HOD)-Combining District” designation as part of the County’s 2023-2031 Adopted Housing Element with a corresponding maximum density of 58 units and is eligible for consideration under the County’s Form Based Code.
The applicant proposes a total of 29 single family residences all with attached Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) and garages. Twenty-percent of the units (6 units) would be affordable, including one low-income unit, three moderate-income units and two above moderate-income units.
The residences would range in size from 1,826 to 2,757 square feet in area (a total of 81,621 square feet of floor area). Depending on the unit type, three- to four- bedrooms and 2.5 to 3.5 bathrooms would be provided, and all units would have an attached ADU that would range in area from 261 to 588 square feet. The residences would all have three stories and would reach a maximum height of 42 feet from surrounding grade. The architecture of the development would be consistent with the “contemporary” style and has been designed with a mix of flat and pitched roofs, with each unit containing a roof deck. The residential units would all have an attached garage and a total of 74 parking spaces are proposed with the development.
For more information, please see the Planning Division’s public statement about the project.
Zoning: CP-HOD (Commercial, Planned-Housing Overlay Combining District)
Countywide Plan Land Use Designation: GC-HOD (General, Commercial-Housing Overlay
Community Plan (if applicable): N/A