March 5, 2024 - Voter Information Guide 014

Lynda Roberts, Registrar of Voters, Elections

Tuesday, March 5, 2024


    Go to the California Secretary of State's website (opens a new window) for information about Presidential Candidates, U.S. Senate Candidates, and State Propositions.

    Office of United States Senate

    There are two U.S. Senate contests on the March 5, 2024, Presidential Primary Election ballot.

    • The first contest is the regular election for the full 6-year term ending January 3, 2031.
    • The second contest is a special vacancy election (the current officeholder is temporarily filling a vacancy) for the remainder of the current term ending January 3, 2025.

    You may vote for both contests

The information below is specific to you based on your home address.

If you prefer, download a PDF version of local information for the March 5, 2024 - Presidential Primary Election Voter Information Guide 014.

Open All Panels




Candidate Endorsements by Qualified Political Parties

Political Party Endorsements are published pursuant to California Elections Code Sec. 13302(b). Parties may endorse candidates for voter-nominated offices.

  • Republican Party
    Office Candidates
    U.S. Representative District 2 Chris Coulombe
    State Assembly District 12 Andy Podshadley
  • Democratic Party
    Office Candidates
    U.S. Representative District 2 Jared Huffman
    State Assembly District 12 Damon Connolly
  • Libertarian Party
    Office Candidates
    U.S. Senate Gail Lightfoot
  • American Independent Party
    Office Candidates
    U.S. Senate James Bradley
    U.S. Representative District 2 Tief Gibbs
    State Assembly District 12 Eryn Cervantes

No other parties submitted endorsements.

Source: State political party central committee notification letters to Registrar of Voters as of December 13, 2023. Parties are listed in order according to the randomized alphabet drawing conducted by Marin County on December 14, 2023.

Candidate Statements

Submitting a candidate statement is optional, so this guide may not contain statements for all candidates. The statement is printed as submitted, and is printed at the expense of the candidate unless otherwise determined by the governing body.


    • U.S. REPRESENTATIVE, District 2
      • TIEF GIBBS
        • Candidate statement in English

          Occupation: Small Businesswoman

          Education and Qualifications: I am a results-driven, America-First wife and businesswoman in Novato and mother of two grown children. I want to restore California so that our children can look forward to a bright future instead of planning their exit. I am running to restore California.
          I want to make California a state that companies want to do business in not flee from. Crime and homelessness are growing problems that effect our daily lives. We need to let cops and courts do their job. I want to stop warehousing homeless in tents and get them out of our parks and public spaces and instead get them reintegrated into society with compassionate solutions.
          Armed with my background in economics, I will seek prudent spending and balanced budgets. Environmental decisions must be based on sound science, not fear. The U.S. has a moral responsibility to properly manage our environment. We should take a free-market approach and be careful not to simply throw money at “green” policies that don’t work and could bankrupt us.
          We need to secure our southern border, stop the flow of fentanyl, rebuild our infrastructure, which includes water and power, and crack down on crime. I favor limiting the scope of government to emphasize personal responsibility. I want to live in a society of traditional family values and religious freedom. I support the right to bear arms. I represent the change that California needs. Together, we can restore California. I ask you to vote for Tief Gibbs.

        • Candidate statement in English

          Occupation: U.S. Representative

          Education and Qualifications: I’m getting things done despite MAGA chaos in Congress these past two years. By putting people over politics, I’ve delivered results – the $400M Golden Gate Bridge seismic retrofit, crucial funding for water supply improvements, zero-emission busses and charging infrastructure, public housing improvements, veterans housing, bike and pedestrian pathways, kelp forest restoration and more.
          I helped pass the first prescription drug pricing reform in decades, allowing Medicare to negotiate drug price discounts, capping insulin costs for seniors at $35/month, and starting next year, capping seniors’ drug costs at $2,000/year.
          I spearheaded laws to modernize America’s infrastructure – improving roads and bridges, connecting underserved communities with high-speed broadband, modernizing the electrical grid, expanding renewable energy and building a national EV charging network.
          We’re finally taking bold action on the climate crisis and I’m leading the charge to do much more.
          I work across the aisle whenever possible, as with my bipartisan initiative that raised IDEA special education funding by $2.5 billion, and my rural hospital bill.
          But when democracy and the rule of law are threatened, I fight back. MAGA members of Congress were complicit in Donald Trump’s shameful January 6th insurrection and continue to push a dark authoritarian agenda. I am determined to defeat these threats.
          I’ll continue opposing partisan attempts to restrict abortion rights, rescind civil rights, and slash Social Security and Medicare.
          As a senior member of committees on Natural Resources and Transportation and Infrastructure, I promise to keep delivering results.
          I would be honored by your vote.

        • Declaración de candidatos en español

          Ocupación: Representante de los EE.UU.

          Educación y cualificaciones: Estoy logrando hacer las cosas pese al caos causado por los Republicanos de MAGA en el Congreso estos dos últimos años. Al poner a las personas por encima de la política, he obtenido resultados: la rehabilitación sísmica del puente Golden Gate por valor de $400 millones, el financiamiento crucial para mejoras en el suministro de agua, autobuses de cero emisiones e infraestructura de recarga, mejoras en viviendas públicas, viviendas para veteranos de guerra, senderos para bicicletas y peatones, restauración de bosques de algas marinas y mucho más.
          Ayudé a aprobar la primera reforma de precios de medicamentos que requieren receta en décadas, permitiendo a Medicare negociar descuentos en los precios de los medicamentos, limitando los costos de la insulina para los adultos mayores a $35 al mes y, a partir del próximo año, limitando los costos de los medicamentos para los adultos mayores a $2,000 al año.
          Impulsé leyes para modernizar la infraestructura de los Estados Unidos: mejora de carreteras y puentes, conexión de comunidades desatendidas con banda ancha de alta velocidad, modernización de la red eléctrica, expansión de las energías renovables y construcción de una red nacional de recarga de vehículos eléctricos.
          Finalmente estamos tomando medidas audaces para combatir la crisis climática y yo estoy liderando la lucha para hacer mucho más.
          Colaboro con la oposición siempre que puedo, como ocurre con mi iniciativa bipartidista que aumentó los fondos de educación especial de IDEA en $2.5 mil millones y mi ley para hospitales rurales.
          Sin embargo, cuando la democracia y la ley se ven amenazadas, doy pelea. Los miembros del Congreso de MAGA fueron cómplices de la vergonzosa insurrección del 6 de enero de Donald Trump y continúan promoviendo una oscura agenda autoritaria. Estoy decidido a eliminar estas amenazas.
          Seguiré oponiéndome a los intentos partidistas del GOP para restringir el derecho al aborto, rescindir los derechos civiles y recortar drásticamente Social Security y Medicare.
          En mi calidad de miembro principal de los comités de Recursos Naturales y de Transporte e Infraestructura, prometo seguir obteniendo resultados.
          Para mí será un honor contar con su voto.

        • Candidate statement in English

          Age: 42

          Occupation: Small Business Owner

          Education and Qualifications: Born and raised in Sonoma County, after earning my Eagle Scout, I enlisted in the military at 18 and returned home as an infantry captain 16-years later. I received my Bachelor’s in Politics from the University of San Francisco and Master’s in Diplomacy from Norwich University.
          With 22-years of military, business, and government policy experience to represent our 2nd District, with your help, we can protect not only the environment but small businesses and therefore improve our children’s future.
          We clearly cannot continue down our current political path. We can and must choose a better future.
          It is no longer about party lines. It is about addressing our reality and our future as a country instead of seeking partisan gain. It is about protecting our access to water and food.
          Partisan politics is destroying our environment, our economy, and our children’s future. This is our country; it is time for all of us to stand.
          We need clear-eyed leaders with well-rounded experience and vision ready to address those challenges and stay focused on the big picture… focused on moving America forward.
          Together, we can lead that change.
          I ask for your vote to serve our country once again.

        • Declaración de candidatos en español

          Edad: 42

          Ocupación: Propietario de un negocio pequeño

          Educación y cualificaciones: Nacido y criado en el Condado de Sonoma, después de obtener mi clasificación de Eagle Scout, me alisté en el ejército a los 18 años y regresé a casa como capitán de infantería 16 años más tarde. Obtuve mi licenciatura en Política en la Universidad de San Francisco y mi maestría en Diplomacia en la Universidad de Norwich.
          Con mis 22 años de experiencia militar, empresarial y gubernamental para representar a nuestro 2° Distrito, y su ayuda, podemos proteger no sólo el medio ambiente, sino también los negocios pequeños y, por lo tanto, mejorar el futuro de nuestros hijos.
          Está claro que no podemos continuar por el camino político actual. Podemos y debemos elegir un futuro mejor.
          Ya no se trata de lealtad a un partido. Sino que se trata de aceptar nuestra realidad y nuestro futuro como país, en lugar de buscar que gane un partido u otro. Se trata de proteger nuestro acceso a agua y alimentos.
          La política partidista está destruyendo nuestro medio ambiente, nuestra economía y el futuro de nuestros hijos. Este es nuestro país; es hora de poner manos a la obra.
          Necesitamos líderes lúcidos con experiencia y visión integrales, listos para enfrentarse a esos desafíos y mantenerse enfocados en el panorama general... enfocados en hacer avanzar a los Estados Unidos.
          Juntos podemos ser líderes de ese cambio.
          Le pido que me dé su voto para a servir a nuestro país una vez más.

        • Candidate statement in English

          Occupation: California State Assemblymember

          Education and Qualifications: It is my privilege to serve as your State Assemblymember, ensuring that an experienced local voice represents Marin and Sonoma counties in Sacramento.
          Endorsed by the Sierra Club, California Professional Firefighters, California Teachers Association, local Labor Unions, and Planned Parenthood Northern California Action Fund, I’m a principled progressive and consensus builder who gets things done.
          In just one term in office, I’ve delivered real results, successfully getting five bills signed into law that will keep body armor out of the hands of mass shooters, ensure addictive tobacco products are not sold to teenagers, protect renters living in mobile home parks, reduce teen suicides, and cap the fees charged for residential solar projects. I also continue to build support for legislation to prevent toxic pesticide spraying along our highways.
          On top of these legislative wins, I also secured $5 million in state funding for projects throughout the North Bay for parks, firefighting equipment, affordable housing, and science education.
          I have been fighting for our communities for 18 years, including service as a Marin County Supervisor, Vice-Mayor of San Rafael, School Board President, California Deputy Attorney General and now, as your State Assemblymember and local voice in Sacramento.
          My values are North Bay values, forged by living here for more than 25 years. As your State Assemblymember, I will continue to fight for our priorities in Sacramento: wildfire prevention and home insurance, clean energy, environmental protection, protecting women’s healthcare, equal rights, and more.
          I hope to earn your vote to continue this important work together.

        • Declaración de candidatos en español

          Ocupación: Asambleísta del Estado de California

          Educación y cualificaciones: Es un privilegio para mí servir como asambleísta estatal, asegurando que una voz local experimentada represente a los condados de Marin y Sonoma en Sacramento.
          Respaldado por el Sierra Club, los Bomberos Profesionales de California, la Asociación de Maestros de California, los sindicatos locales y el Fondo de Acción del Norte de California de Planificación Familiar, soy un progresista de principios y un creador de consenso que sabe obtener resultados.
          En apenas un mandato, he logrado resultados reales: logré que se promulguen cinco proyectos de ley que mantendrán los chalecos antibalas fuera del alcance de los tiradores en masa, que se garantice que no se vendan productos de tabaco adictivos a los adolescentes, que se proteja a los inquilinos que viven en parques de casas móviles, que se reduzcan los suicidios de adolescentes y que se limiten los cargos que se cobran por proyectos solares residenciales. Además, sigo ganando apoyo para que se implementen leyes que eviten que se rocíen pesticidas tóxicos en los márgenes de nuestras autopistas.
          Además de estas victorias legislativas, también obtuve $5 millones en fondos estatales destinados a proyectos en todo el Norte de la Bahía para parques, equipos contra incendios, viviendas de precio accesible y educación en ciencias.
          Llevo 18 años luchando por nuestras comunidades, incluido el servicio como supervisor del Condado de Marin, Vicealcalde de San Rafael, Presidente de la Junta Escolar, Fiscal General adjunto de California y ahora, como su Asambleísta Estatal y voz local en Sacramento.
          Mis valores son los valores del Norte de la Bahía, forjados en los más de 25 años que llevo viviendo en ese lugar. Como su Asambleísta Estatal, continuaré luchando por nuestras prioridades en Sacramento: prevención de incendios forestales y seguros para el hogar, energía limpia, protección ambiental, protección de la atención médica de las mujeres, igualdad de derechos y más.
          Espero ganar su voto para seguir trabajando juntos.

        • Candidate statement in English

          Age: 46

          Occupation: San Quentin Correctional Counselor II – Specialist

          Education and Qualifications: My name is Eryn Cervantes, and I am running for California State Assembly in District 12. I have worked for the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for almost 25 years, and am currently a Correctional Counselor II - Specialist, at San Quentin State Prison. I’m also a recent law school graduate and lifelong advocate for public safety. I understand the challenges presented by brazen retail theft, property crimes, a growing homeless crisis, and the impact crime has on a community. The current approach falls short of extending much-needed support to our local law enforcement agencies, fostering an environment ripe for the escalation of crime.
          The time has come for us to make public safety a priority. My career path has equipped me with unique insight into the important roles within the criminal justice system, as well as the importance of accountability. Additionally, as a family member of double-homicide victims, I have a deep appreciation for the paths traveled by victims of crime.
          I am the candidate who understands about the need to strike a careful balance when approaching these aspects of criminal justice and public safety. Between the vast knowledge gained throughout my career and life experiences and my educational background in criminal justice and law, I possess the unique insight necessary to approach the current criminal justice and public safety challenges with meaningful, long-lasting solutions.
          I am committed to ensure local law enforcement are equipped with the resources and funding necessary to provide the protection and services our community so rightly deserves.

      The following candidates for California State Assembly District 12 have pledged to abide by campaign spending limits as specified in California Government Code Sec. 85400 and may publish a 250-word statement of qualifications in this voter guide. Candidates are listed in order according to the randomized alphabet drawing conducted by Marin County on December 14, 2023.

      • Damon Connolly, DEM
      • Eryn Cervantes, REP
      • Andy Podshadley, REP
    • COUNTY SUPERVISOR, District 4
        • Candidate statement in English

          Age: 67

          Occupation: Registered Professional Engineer/Bridge Designer

          Education and Qualifications: BSCE, University of Michigan, 1984
          We can make living in Marin County magnificent again by restoring the unique bucolic character of its small towns and cities while maintaining Open Space.
          We must end the public drug use and alcoholism that are drivers of homelessness and mental health problems. Our current “carrot only and no stick” approach allows grifters to siphon limited resources to house the unfortunate while preventing drug addicts, alcoholics, and those with mental health issues from getting the treatment they need. We must allow law enforcement to stop the cancer of personal and retail theft spreading into Marin County from San Francisco and the East Bay.
          We must revise zoning laws and enhance planning staff to create more housing compatible with Marin County to reverse decades of insufficient planning. Experienced planning staff must stay on residential construction projects through completion to reduce compliance costs incurred before construction begins. Big box government housing projects and unrealistic housing assessments imposed by Sacramento and ABAG must be opposed.
          As your supervisor I will work tirelessly to achieve those goals to restore Marin County to a magnificent place for all to live and thrive once again.
          Vote Francis Drouillard!
          Thank you!

        • Candidate statement in English

          Age: 71

          Occupation: Marin County Supervisor

          Education and Qualifications: Since my election in 2016, I have focused on the environment, emergency preparedness, and community housing. I have listened to your concerns and if re-elected, will continue to hold office hours throughout the district to ensure all constituents can be heard.
          Our work is continuing with fellow supervisors to create an emergency preparedness plan, with better emergency communications, effective emergency planning, efficient notifications and improved neighborhood preparedness. Workforce housing is a serious concern. The enaction of new countywide rental protections, easing the permit process, especially for accessible dwelling units, and protection of existing affordable housing continue to be priorities.
          I led the successful effort establishing the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority, funding wildfire mitigation work, vegetation management, home hardening, and making sure that we are prepared for the next major fire threat.
          Defending Marin County’s environment, including its rich agricultural lands is a priority. I’ve continued to support affordable preschool, childcare, older adult programs, and our immigrant residents.
          I am endorsed by the Sierra Club, North Bay Labor Council, Planned Parenthood Northern California Action Fund, and Marin Professional Firefighters Local 1775. With your support, I will continue to be your advocate.

        • Declaración de candidatos en español

          Edad: 71

          Ocupación: Supervisor del Condado de Marin

          Educación y cualificaciones: Desde mi elección en 2016, me he concentrado en el medio ambiente, la preparación para emergencias y la vivienda de la comunidad. He escuchado sus inquietudes y, de ser reelegido, seguiré manteniendo horarios de oficina en todo el distrito para garantizar que todos los electores puedan ser escu chados.
          Seguimos trabajando con nuestros colegas supervisores para crear un plan de preparación ante emergencias, con mejores comunicaciones de emergencia, una planificación de emergencias eficaz, notificaciones eficientes y una mejor preparació n vecinal.
          La vivienda para los trabajadores es una grave preocupación. Siguen siendo prioritarias la promulgación de nuevas medidas de protección del alquiler en todo el condado, la agilización del proceso de concesión de permisos, especialmente para viviendas accesibles, y la protección de las viviendas de precio accesible existentes.
          Dirigí con éxito la creación de la Autoridad para la Prevención de Incendios Forestales de Marin, el financiamiento de los trabajos de mitigación de incendios forestales, el control de la vegetación, el reforzamiento de las viviendas y la garantía de que estamos preparados para la próxima gran amenaza de incendio.
          Defender el medio ambiente del Condado de Marin, incluidas sus ricas tierras agrícolas, es una prioridad. He seguido apoyando la educación preescolar de precio accesible, el cuidado de niños, los programas para adultos mayores y a nuestros residentes inmigrantes.
          Cuento con el respaldo del Sierra Club, el Consejo Laboral del Norte de la Bahía, el Fondo de Acción de Planificación Familiar del Norte de California y el Local 1775 de los Bomberos Profesionales de Marin. Con su apoyo, seguiré siendo su defensor.

Measure Information

There are no local measures on your ballot for this election.

In-Person Voting

In-Person Voting

Vote at a Vote Center if you need a replacement ballot, did not register by February 20 deadline, prefer to vote in person or on an accessible ballot marking device. Voting is accessible at all locations.

AVOID LINES - Vote early or vote by mail

  • You may vote at any location,
  • See our List of Vote Centers for most recent Vote Center information, including hours of operation
  • Official Ballot Drop Boxes also at all Voter Center locations
  • Election Day March 5, all 21 Vote Centers open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Drop Box

Official Ballot Drop Box Locations

Open February 6 to March 5 until 8:00 p.m.

All Drop Boxes close precisely at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day as required by law

Exterior sites available for 24 hour drop off. Interior sites available during regular business hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. See our List of Drop Box Locations for days and hours of operation.

Each Vote Center will have a Vote by Mail Drop Box. See our List of Vote Centers Locations for days and hours of operation.

Important Notice

Important Notice

Secretary of State’s Voter Hotline (800) 345-VOTE (8683) - English


州務卿選民熱線 (800) 339-2857 - 中文 / Chinese


Línea directa para votantes del Secretario de Estado (800) 232-VOTA (8682) - Español / Spanish


Đường Dây Nóng Cử Tri của Ngoại Trưởng (800) 339-8163 - Việt ngữ / Vietnamese

Access/Language Needs

Access or Language Needs

Common Questions

Common Questions

Notice to Independent (NPP) Voters

Are you registered as No Party Preference?

If the answer is Yes, you will get a nonpartisan ballot that includes all races except party primary candidates for U.S. President.

The State of California contacted all parties about offering their party ballot to voters registered as No Party Preference (NPP). Parties determined the following:

NPP voters MAY request this party ballot:

  • American Independent Party
  • Democratic Party
  • Libertarian Party

NPP voters MAY NOT request this party ballot:

  • Green Party
  • Peace and Freedom Party
  • Republican Party

Online registration at, or call Elections Office at 415-473-6456 for a paper form.

Military/Over-Seas Voters

Military/Over-Seas Voters

Ballots go out January 19

  • Receiving your ballot by mail
    • Ballot packet includes this guide, ballot, instructions and postage-paid return envelope.
    • Your ballot must be postmarked on or before March 5 and received by March 12
      Date and sign your return envelope.
  • Receiving your ballot by email
    • You will receive an email from with a link, access code, and instruction to access your ballot.
    • Ballot packet includes your voted ballot (must print), Oath of Voter form, return instructions, and postage-paid return envelope image.
    • Your ballot must be:
      • Emailed on or before March 5 by 8 pm.
      • Mailed - postmarked on or before March 5 and received by March 12

Vote By Mail Voters

Vote By Mail Voters

Ballots mailed starting February 5

All active registered voters will get a ballot in the mail. Allow 7-10 days for delivery.