August 29, 2023 - Voter Information Guide 01

Lynda Roberts, Registrar of Voters, Elections

Town of Tiburon
Tuesday, August 29, 2023


This election is Vote-by-Mail only

  • A ballot is mailed to all voters. Return it by mail or to an official Drop Box.
  • The Marin County Elections Department is open for vote by mail vote by mail services starting Monday, July 31.
  • Information about Drop Box locations is posted on our website.
  • Need to update your registration? Online at OR by paper registration form, postmarked no later than August 14, 2023.

If you prefer, download a PDF version of the August 29, 2023 - Vote By Mail Special Election Voter Information Guide.

Open All Panels



Candidate Statements

Submitting a candidate statement is optional, so this guide may not contain statements for all candidates. The statement is printed as submitted, and is printed at the expense of the candidate unless otherwise determined by the governing body.


    • Candidate statement in English

      Occupation: Tax Advisor, Investor, and Mom

      Education and Qualifications: I will bring a new voice and a fresh perspective to the Town Council should I be elected to fill the open seat. My husband and I are grateful that we could retire to Tiburon and meet the incredible neighbors that have become friends. I am eager to serve the community by running for the Council and I will prioritize the work that has been started which includes finalizing steps to preserve the open space supported by Measure M, balancing the State demands for increased housing density with a necessary push to restore imperative local control and advocating for proper planning to enhance recreational activities. I will be a fiscally responsible candidate and can leverage years of work experience as a tax advisor to make informed financial decisions and to uphold transparency, accountability and ethical governance practices. Lastly, I will make certain that I am reliably constituent-facing; I shall have regular hours, an open mind and a curious spirit. We all will thrive.

      I would be honored to have your vote. Please contact me:

    • Declaración de candidatos en español

      Ocupación: Asesora fiscal, inversionista y madre

      Educación y Calificaciones: Aportaré una nueva voz y una perspectiva fresca al concejo municipal si salgo elegida para ocupar el puesto vacante. Mi esposo y yo estamos agradecidos de haber podido retirarnos en Tiburón y conocer a los increíbles vecinos que se han convertido en nuestros amigos. Deseo servir a la comunidad postulándome para el concejo, y daré prioridad a la labor ya comenzada que incluye finalizar los pasos para preservar el espacio abierto, respaldado por la Medida M, equilibrando las exigencias del estado de una mayor densidad de vivienda con un impulso necesario para restaurar el imprescindible control a nivel local y promover una planificación adecuada para mejorar las actividades recreativas. Seré una candidata responsable en lo fiscal, y cuento con años de experiencia laboral en asesoría fiscal que me servirán para tomar decisiones financieras fundamentadas y defender prácticas de transparencia, responsabilidad y gobernanza ética. Por último, me aseguraré de estar consistentemente frente a los electores; mantendré horarios regulares, una mente abierta y un espíritu de curiosidad. Todos prosperaremos.

      Será un honor para mí obtener su voto. Pónganse en contacto conmigo:

    • Candidate statement in English

      Occupation: Vice Chair, Tiburon Parks, Open Space & Trails Commission; Strategic Advisor, Technology Business Development & Consulting

      Education and Qualifications: Our family was drawn to Tiburon’s beautiful Open Space, excellent schools and safe community. After 11 years, 3 children (one at Redwood High School and two in the Reed Union School District), I am ready to give back even more to my community.

      As former Chair (current Vice-Chair) of the Tiburon Parks, Open Space and Trails Commission, I’ve spent five years working hard to preserve Tiburon’s Open Space and improve our Parks. During COVID-19, I ensured our residents could use our Parks and Open Spaces, as they became critical to improve our quality of life. I recently worked to revitalize Greenwood Beach, ensure toxic chemicals are not sprayed in our parks and picnic areas, and supported the acquisition of more open space.

      I volunteer as Athletic Director at St. Hilary CYO (one of the most successful Basketball and Volleyball programs in Marin) and provided scholarships to families in need. Also, served as Championship Youth Coach in Little League, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, and Lacrosse.

      I support preserving Tiburon’s unique character, reducing traffic, keeping Tiburon fiscally sound, protecting the environment, combating climate change, ensuring emergency preparedness, revitalizing downtown and bringing back family friendly events, including Friday Nights on Main.

      I respectfully ask for your vote.

      Contact me:

    • Declaración de candidatos en español

      Ocupación: Vicepresidente de la Comisión de Espacios Abiertos y Senderos de los Parques de Tiburón; asesor estratégico, desarrollo empresarial y consultoría en tecnología

      Educación y cualificaciones: A nuestra familia le atrajo el hermoso espacio abierto de Tiburón, las excelentes escuelas y la comunidad segura de Tiburón. Después de 11 años, 3 hijos (1 que asiste a Redwood High School y 2 en el distrito escolar de Reed Union), estoy listo para devolver aún más a mi comunidad.

      Como presidente anterior (vicepresidente actual) de la Comisión de Espacios Abiertos y Senderos de los Parques de Tiburón, he trabajado arduamente por cinco años para preservar el espacio abierto de Tiburón y mejorar nuestros parques. En la época de COVID-19, me aseguré de que nuestros residentes pudieran usar nuestros parques y espacios abiertos, cuando se volvieron esenciales para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida. Recientemente trabajé en la revitalización de la Playa Greenwood, me aseguré de que no se rocíen químicos tóxicos en nuestros parques y áreas de picnic, y apoyé la adquisición de más espacio abierto.

      Ofrezco mis servicios voluntarios como director atlético de la Organización de Juventud Católica de St. Hilary (uno de los programas de baloncesto y voleibol de mayor éxito en Marín) y proporcioné becas a familias necesitadas. Además, serví como entrenador de campeonato juvenil en las Pequeñas Ligas, baloncesto, voleibol, fútbol y lacrosse.

      Apoyo la preservación del carácter único de Tiburón, disminuyendo el tráfico, manteniendo la solidez fiscal de Tiburón, protegiendo al medioambiente, combatiendo el cambio climático, garantizando la preparación ante emergencias, revitalizando el centro y restableciendo los eventos familiares, incluido Friday Nights on Main.

      Solicito respetuosamente su voto.

      Pónganse en contacto conmigo en:

Vote By Mail

Vote by Mail


Get a notice when your vote-by-mail ballot is mailed, received, and counted! Sign up at to get an automatic email, text, or call about the status of your ballot.


Every signature on a vote-by-mail envelope is compared to the voter’s information on file. If the signature doesn’t compare, the voter will get a letter with information about how to correct it. After ballots are accepted for counting, they are removed from their envelopes in a way that protects voter privacy. Once removed, ballots are counted by scanning equipment then sealed in containers that may be opened only for an audit after the election. Voter privacy and votes are protected during the entire process.


Postage is pre-paid! Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked on or before August 29 and received by the Elections Department by September 5.

  • Ballot Packet

    Packet includes this guide, ballot, instructions and postage-paid return envelope.

    Date and sign your return envelope.

  • Return Ballot
    1. Into a Drop Box - List of Drop Box Locations
    2. Mail your ballot - must be postmarked on or before August 29 and received by September 5

Drop Box

Official Ballot Drop Box Locations

Open August 1 to August 29 until 8:00 p.m.

Drop Boxes close precisely at 8:00 p.m. on Election Day as required by law

Exterior sites available for 24 hour drop off, see our List of Drop Box Locations.

Voting Services

Voting Services

Visit the Elections Department if you:

  • need a vote by mail replacement ballot
  • did not register by the August 14 deadline
  • prefer to vote on an accessible ballot marking device

Call if you have questions or need specific assistance (415) 473-6456

Election Day, August 29, the Elections Department is open 7 a.m. - 8 p.m.