Wye Wetlands Restoration

Sea level rise resilience, flood control, and wetland restoration in the north end of Bolinas Lagoon.

OCTOBER 24, 2023

Grant Authorization

On October 24, 2023 the Open Space Board of Directors authorized two two grant agreements in support of this project:

  • National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant for $3,675,600
  • Wildlife Conservation Board grant for $3,142,000

MAY 9, 2023

KWMR Interview

Parks hydroecologist and restoration planner Veronica Pearson was interviewed on KWMR - West Marin Community Radio about efforts to restore wetlands at the west end of Bolinas Lagoon and reduce the chance of flooding on the only road to Bolinas.

MAY 1, 2023

County Supervisors Approve Additional Funding

Marin County supervisors approved an additional $325,000 for design and permitting work in support of the Bolinas Wye Wetlands project. Outside grant funds are covering nearly the entire cost of implementing this project.

MAY 18, 2021

Ocean Protection Council Grant

The Board of Supervisors authorized execution of a grant agreement in the amount of $339,000 with the Ocean Protection Council for final design of the Bolinas Lagoon Wye Wetlands Project.

OCTOBER 14, 2020

BLAC Regular Meeting

An update on the Wye Wetlands Resiliency Project will be presented at the Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council Meeting on October 16, 2020. Due to COVID-19 this meeting will take place virtually on Zoom.

NOVEMBER 5, 2019

Board of Supervisors

The Board of Supervisors approved moving forward with the preparation of construction documents for the Bolinas Wye Wetlands project. The scope of work includes hydrologic and hydraulic analyses, development of design alternatives, design development and construction documentation for stream restoration and realignment, road realignment and road design, bridge design, right-of-way engineering and traffic management, public presentation, project management, and coordination.

MAY 2, 2019

State of Bolinas Lagoon

The Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council hosted The State of Bolinas Lagoon event on May 2, 2019 at Stinson Beach Community Center. Read the event brochure pdf. Participating partners included:

  • Audubon Canyon Ranch
  • California Trout
  • College of Marin
  • County of Marin
  • Greater Farallones Association
  • National Marin Sanctuaries
  • National Park Service
  • One Tam
  • Point Blue Conservation Science

FEBRUARY 27, 2018

Board of Supervisors

The Conceptual Design Report for the Bolinas Wye Wetlands area was presented to the Board of Supervisors on February 27, 2018. The Board directed staff to proceed with recommended design and the environmental review of Phase 1.

SEPTEMBER 29, 2017

BLAC Special Meeting

The draft Conceptual Design Report for the Bolinas Wye Wetlands area was discussed at the Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council (BLAC) Special Meeting on September 29, 2017. The meeting was held at Audubon Canyon Ranch, Volunteer Canyon, 4800 Highway 1, Stinson Beach, and was open to the public. At this meeting the BLAC provided a recommendation to the Marin County Board of Supervisors.

MARCH 30, 2017

Bolinas Lagoon Conference

At the State of the Bolinas Lagoon Conference on March 30, 2017, three conceptual design alternatives for Bolinas Wye Wetlands improvements were proposed and members of the public offered feedback. Additional opportunities to comment on this project were offered at the Bolinas Lagoon Advisory Council and the Marin County Board of Supervisors public meetings.