Low Carbon Transportation

Community Development Agency

Why transportation?

Transportation generates over 50% of total Marin County greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions cause climate change and contribute to air pollution. This can cause an increase in asthma and other health conditions.

Although some people take public transportation out of necessity, the pros of public transportation make it a great option for all Marin County residents! Taking a bus, walking, biking, or carpooling can clean the air, reduce traffic, and save individuals money.

What can you do?

Support, use, and advocate for public transit

When you support, use, and advocate for public transit, you help clean the air and reduce traffic congestion. Consider taking the SMART train, riding the ferry, or taking the bus.

Check out Marin Transit discounted fares and passes and learn more about Clipper Card and SMART train e-ticket reduced fares for seniors, youth, low-income, and passengers with disabilities. Options include:

Consider buying or leasing an electric vehicle if you're able

There are many electric vehicle (EV) options at several price points. There are also incentives and rebates available to reduce the cost for individuals at many income levels. Explore EV options by visiting Ride & Drive Clean, the EV Savings Calculator, or Bay Area Sun Shares (EV and solar system discounts).

Learn if you qualify for solar, battery storage, and a discounted EV at GRID Alternatives - Clean Mobility for All.

Bike Marin

Take advantage of the County’s bike-friendly areas, trails, and lanes. Advocate for continued funding for Safe Routes to Schools and expanded bike paths throughout Marin County.

MarinCAN endorsed solution at work

Ride & Drive Clean non-profit collaboration promoting the adoption of electric vehicles and electric bikes in the Bay Area. They are particularly focused on an equitable transition to clean transportation. Learn more about their work by visiting the Ride & Drive Clean website.