Archdiocese of San Francisco Coastal Permit, Conditional Use Permit, and Design Review (P4338) - County of Marin

Community Development Agency


Main Component of the Project

Wireless Facility


10189 Shoreline Hwy, Olema
Assessor's Parcel: 166-181-01


Merits Review

Project Planner

Sabrina Cardoza


Eric Lentz

Project Description

The applicant requests Coastal Permit, Conditional Use Permit, and Design Review approval to construct a new, unmanned wireless communication facility disguised within a steeple on the grounds of the previously developed Sacred Heart Church in Olema. Improvements to the existing 61-foot tall steeple entails the removal of an existing cross and the installation of a 17-foot tall enclosure box that would be located on top of the steeple with the antennas fully concealed inside. The overall height, including the enclosure box would be 78 feet above surrounding grade. The steeple would be located approximately 184 feet from the eastern front property line, 180 feet from the northern side property line, 150 feet from the southern side property line, and 190 feet from the western rear property line.

Additional elements of the wireless communication facility lease area would include the following: (1) an approximately 256 square-foot steel platform raised three feet above the surrounding grade for which the base station would be located; (2) four outdoor equipment cabinets; (3) a surge suppressor mounted to a new H-frame; (4) an eight-foot tall slump stone wall that would disguise the ground equipment; and (5) two proposed four-foot wooden gates. The 256 square-foot lease area would be located approximately 195 feet from the eastern front property line; over 280 feet from the northern side property line; 40 feet from the southern side property line; and 200 feet from the western rear property line.

Coastal Permit approval is required pursuant to Marin County Code Section 20.68.060.M because the project entails development that is not otherwise exempt from Coastal Development Permit requirements. Conditional Use Permit approval is required for telecommunication facilities pursuant to Marin County Code Section 22.48.020, Table 2-1 in Section 22.08.030, and Marin County Code Section 22.32.165 of the as well as policy RP 1.3 of the Telecommunications Facilities Policy Plan. Design Review is also required pursuant to policy RP 1.3 of the Telecommunications Facilities Policy Plan in order to provide sufficient discretionary review for wireless facilities.

Zoning C-VCR (Coastal, Village Commercial Residential)
Countywide Plan Designation: C-NC (Coastal, Neighborhood Commercial)
Community Plan (if applicable): N/A

Most Recent Project Plans

Plans Submitted 4.16.2024