County of Marin - News Releases - Budget Preview

For Immediate Release
June 08, 2021

Board Sets Budget Hearings for June 21-23

Previous cuts, improving economy balance the proposed budget for 2021-22

San Rafael, CA – The County of Marin’s budget situation has improved over the past year because of a revived economy and previous actions to reduce costs.

On June 8, the Marin County Board of Supervisors was introduced to a proposed budget for fiscal year 2021-22 that includes a 10% funding increase over the 2020-21 budget. The proposed $683 million budget factors in an influx of one-time federal and state funding targeted to emerging needs in the areas of public health, mental health, and homelessness.

“Federal stimulus and the reopening of our economy have reshaped the County’s budget outlook,” said County Budget Manager Bret Uppendahl.

The proposed budget includes funding for top community priorities, including:

  • improving disaster preparedness
  • building a racially equitable community
  • reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change
  • preserving and increasing affordable housing
  • investing in County infrastructure

With the economy nearing a return to pre-pandemic levels, the budget is balanced, and the County is working to prioritize allocations of one-time federal relief funds.

“The federal funds are restricted for specific purposes,” said County Administrator Matthew Hymel. “However, we are confident that we can make thoughtful investments that will have lasting positive impacts in our community.”

The budget includes a recommended spending plan for more than $50 million in one-time investments that cover topics such as:

  • Racial equity initiatives
  • Climate change and sea-level rise projects
  • Permanent supportive housing
  • Fire department facility improvements
  • Marin City infrastructure projects
  • Affordable housing projects
  • City and town partnerships to address homelessness, mobile crisis response, and economic vitality

While the General Fund budget is balanced, structural operating shortfalls are projected in 2023, Uppendahl said.

“In a slow-growth county, our expenses tend to increase faster than our revenues,” he said, “so we will continue to look for innovative ways to improve our services and live within our means.”

Last June amid the pandemic, the Board approved a $619.7 million budget that was a 1.7% reduction from the previous year. It included $8.4 million in one-time budget reductions and the use of $2.1 million in reserves to address emergency needs related to the emergency response. By November 2020, the Supervisors had approved an additional $7.8 million in ongoing budget adjustments that eliminated vacant positions but did not include layoffs.

The public is invited to review the proposed budget online and watch or participate in the budget hearings, which are set for Monday morning, June 21, and will continue on the afternoons of Tuesday, June 22, and Wednesday, June 23, via videoconference. The budget hearings provide an opportunity for residents and the Board members to review the draft budget, provide feedback, and ask questions. The third day of hearings is a target date for the Board to adopt a final budget for the fiscal year that begins July 1.

Residents may watch the webcast, share thoughts during the videoconference (instructions are online), or watch on Channel 27 for Comcast TV subscribers.

Learn more on the County’s budget overview webpage. Budget feedback may be emailed to the County budget staff.

All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held at accessible sites. If you are a person with a disability and require information or materials in alternative formats – or if you require accommodation to participate in a county program, service or activity – please contact department staff by email or at (415) 473-7331 or (415) 473-4381 (voice/TTY).


Bret Uppendahl
Budget Manager
County Administrator's Office

3501 Civic Center Drive
Suite #325
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 473-6358
Email: Bret Uppendahl
County Administrator website