Transient Occupancy Tax - Compliance Notification

Mina Martinovich, Department of Finance

To comply with the Notice of non-compliance for operating a short-term rental, all documents must be submitted to the Department of Finance by due date on the notice. All documents must be mailed or submitted through the TOT Compliance Submission Form. Here is a checklist to help guide you through the process.

Required: Section I-III must be complete for full compliance.

Section I: Registration — complete both registrations:

Section II: Report Transient Occupancy Tax

Section III: Remittance of Transient Occupancy Tax — payment in full of all outstanding TOT balance is due by the date on the notice.

Submit all documents using the
 TOT Compliance Submission Form

Section IV: Other Situations — if any of these situations apply, please submit the affidavit using the TOT Compliance Submission Form.

 TOT Compliance Submission Form

Phone appointments are available Tuesday and Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. To schedule an appointment, please visit our appointment calendar.