County of Marin - News Releases - Confusing Election Promos

For Immediate Release
October 16, 2018

Registrar Alerts Voters to Confusing Election Promos

Mail piece and robocalls not coming from Elections Department

San Rafael, CA – The Marin County Registrar of Voters has been notified that a mailer may have been sent to Marin County voters suggesting that wording about one of the statewide propositions on the November 6 General Election ballot is incorrect. Voters may also be receiving robocalls as well, said Registrar Lynda Roberts.

The calls and mailer, sponsored by a campaign, say there is an error in the title of one of the propositions. In fact, ballot titles are prepared by the state Attorney General, with no alterations by local Registrars of Voters. The voter information guide mailed to all registered voters by the Secretary of State’s office contains the official and correct title and summary for all statewide propositions.

“During election season, voters should be aware of claims that can cause confusion,” Roberts said. “Voters should be vigilant about election-related robocalls or materials and feel free to email with any questions or concerns.”

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Lynda Roberts
Registrar of Voters
Elections Department

Marin Civic Center Administration Building
3501 Civic Center Drive
Suite 121
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 473-6401
Email: Lynda Roberts
Elections website