County of Marin
Board of Supervisors
Meetings are held in the Board of Supervisors Chambers
Room 330
Civic Center, San Rafael, CA 94903

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005


9:00 a.m.          Convene in Closed Session as the Marin County Transit District Board of Directors

1a.           Conference with Legal Counsel regarding anticipated litigation pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956.9(b)(1).  Number of potential cases:  one.


10:00 a.m.      Reconvene in Open Session as the Marin County Transit District Board of Directors

                     Announcement from Closed Session.


1b.                Open time for public expression, limited to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Transit District agenda.


1c.                Approval of minutes of the meeting of October 25, 2005

                     Recommended action:  Approve.


1d.                Board of Directors' Matters.


1e.                Transit Manager's Oral Report.


1f.                Resolution of Local Support for Regional Transportation Improvement Program Funds to Develop a Bus Transit Transfer Facility in Southern Novato.

                     Recommended Action:  Approve.


                     Adjourn as the Marin County Transit District Board of Directors


                     Convene as Board of Supervisors

2.                  Approval of minutes of the meetings of October 18, October 25 and November 1, 2005.


3.                  Board of Supervisors' matters.


4.                  Administrator's report.


5.                  Open time for public expression, limited to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Board of Supervisors' agenda.


6.                  Consent Calendar A (Items CA-1 through CA-4)

                     ("Consent Calendar A" reflects those agenda items that have prior policy approval from the Board and do not exceed $500,000 in cost.)


7.                  Consent Calendar B (Items CB-1 through CB-2)

                     ("Consent Calendar B" reflects those agenda items requiring a 4/5th vote relating to budgetary matters.)


8.                  Supervisor Adams requesting resolution commending the Marin County Auditor-Controllers Office for receiving the State Controller's "Award for Achieving Excellence in Financial Reporting".


9.                  Request from the Public Works Department to schedule a hearing for Bay Cities Refuse proposed 3% rate increase for the Southern Marin Franchise Area 1.

                     Recommended actions:  (a) Schedule hearing for December 6, 2005, at 11:00 a.m.; and (b) instruct Clerk to publish notice of hearing.


10.                First Reading:  Ordinance amending Sections 7.80.005(a) and 7.80.010 of the Marin County Code pertaining to the Certified Unified Program Agency ("CUPA").

                     Recommended actions:  Request clerk to read ordinance by title only and schedule merit hearing for December 6, 2005, at 11:00 a.m.


11.                Authorize the President to execute Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with the Transportation Authority of Marin ("TAM") regarding funding for County staff assigned to TAM and authorizing a one-time salary adjustment for Craig Tackabery recognizing his efforts during his tenure as acting Executive Director of TAM.

                     Recommended actions:  (a) Authorize execution of MOU; (b) accept TAM funds for salary adjustment; and (c) authorize the one-time salary adjustment.


12.                Request from the Health and Human Services Director to authorize President to execute FY 2005-06 agreement with Mental Health Management Inc., dba Canyon Manor, in an amount not to exceed $579,503, to provide a structured training program for mentally ill adults.

                     Recommended action:  Approve.


13.               Request from the Community Development Agency to authorize President to execute Fourth Amendment to Agreement with Environmental Science Associates, in the amount of $83,835 for a total contract amount of $751,812, for additional work related to the preparation of the Environmental Impact Report ("EIR") for the Redwood Landfill Revised Solid Waste Facility Permit ("SWFP").

                     Recommended action:  Approve.


10:30 a.m.

14.               Hearing:  Ordinance amending Section 2.50.050 of the Marin County Code, increasing the Living Wage rate by $0.50 per hour effective January 1, 2006, and to include a cost-of-living adjustment ("COLA") component to adjust the rate annually thereafter based upon change to the Bay Area Consumer Price Index.

                     Recommended actions:  Conduct public hearing scheduled for 10:30 a.m. and consider adopting ordinance.


15.                Appointments:

                     a.      Library Commission

                              One vacancy representing District 1 due to the death of Larry Kramer.

                              Recommended action:  Schedule appointment for January 10, 2006.


                     b.      Major Crimes Task Force Committee

                              One term expiration for the BOS appointee seat (Terrence Murphy, incumbent).

                              Recommended action:  Schedule appointment for December 13, 2005.


                     c.      Marin/Sonoma Mosquito and Vector Control District

                              One At-Large term expiration (Ed Schulze, incumbent).

                              Recommended action:  Schedule appointment for December 20, 2005.


                     d.      Personnel Commission

                              One At-Large term expiration (Donald Casey, incumbent).  Applications have been received from Donald Casey, A. Bruce McKenzie, Barbara Merino, Jeff Phelps, and Peter Rogosin.

                              Recommended actions:  Make appointment or nominate applicants and schedule interviews for December 6, 2005.


                     e.      Women's Commission

                              One vacancy representing District 3 due to the term expiration of Janet McAllister.  An application has been received from Cassandra Van Horn Anderson.

                              Recommended action:  Make appointment.


                     Recess as the Board of Supervisors


                     Convene as the Marin County Open Space District Board of Directors

16a.              Approval of minutes of the meeting of October 25, 2005.


16b.              Board of Directors'  Matters.


16c.              Open time for public expression, limited to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Open Space District Agenda.


16d.              Interim General Manager's Report.


16e.              Authorize President to execute agreement with the Marin Conservation Corps, in the amount of $11,000, for invasive weed removal and habitat improvement at the Ring Mountain Open Space Preserve.

                     Recommended action:  Approve.


16f.               Presentation of FY 2004-05 Property Acquisition Summary Report.

                     Recommended action:  Receive Report.


                     Adjourn as the Marin County Open Space District Board of Directors


                     Reconvene as the Board of Supervisors


17.                Closed Session:

                     Discuss public employee appointment (Director of Parks, and Open Space) pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957.


                     Reconvene in Open Session

                     Announcement from Closed Session.


                     Adjourn as the Board of Supervisors


1:30 p.m.      Convene as the Marin County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners

18a.              Approval of the minutes of the meeting of November 1, 2005.


18b.              Open time for public expression, limited to three minutes per speaker, on items not on the Housing Authority agenda.


18c.              Executive Director's Report.


18d.             Request to take actions related to a contract for architectural services for repairs and minor alterations at various public housing projects.

                     Recommended actions:  (1) Approve the selection of H&Y Architects as the Housing Authority's architect for the next three years; and (2) authorize the Executive Director to execute contracts with H&Y Architects, in a total amount not to exceed $150,000 over the next three years.


18e.             Authorize the Executive Director to submit FY 2006-07 Housing Search Specialist Grant application to the County of Marin, in the amount of $20,528, for Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") funds.

                     Recommended actions:  Approve.


18f.              Authorize the Executive Director to submit FY 2006-07 application to the County of Marin, in the amount of $500,000, for Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") funds for the Residential Rehabilitation Loan Program.

                     Recommended actions:  Authorize the Executive Director to execute the contract for funds, if awarded.


18g.             Adopt resolution authorizing the issuance of multifamily housing revenue bonds for the San Clemente Family Apartments Project.

                     Recommended actions:  Approve.


18h.              Request to take actions related to proposed amendments to the Agency Plan and the Section 8 Administrative Plan, to provide a preference for supportive housing program participants.

                     Recommended actions:  (1) Open the comment period on the proposed amendment; and (2) set January 24, 2006, as the public hearing on the proposed amendment.


18i.               Workshop on Year 2005 Activities and the Status of 2006 funding. (To be conducted in Room 324 A)


                     Adjourn as the Marin County Housing Authority Board of Commissioners


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                     CONSENT CALENDAR A (Items CA-1 through CA-5)

                     ("Consent Calendar A" reflects those agenda items that have prior policy approval from the Board and do not exceed $500,000 in cost.)


CA-1.            Declaration of Emergency:

                     Reconfirmation of Declaration of Local Emergency relative to transmission of HIV through contaminated needles pursuant to Resolution No. 93-293 adopted on November 23, 1993.


CA-2.            Board of Supervisors:

                     a.     Supervisor Murray requesting resolution commending Russell W. Ketron on the occasion of his "Distinguished Citizen Award" given by the Marin Council, Boy Scouts of America.

                     b.     Supervisors Brown and McGlashan requesting approval of a letter from the Board of Supervisors to the California Public Utilities Commission ("CPUC") in support of the Commission's Phase II Draft Decision regarding Community Choice Aggregation rulemaking.

                     c.    Supervisor Adams requesting the Board to adjourn in memory of Bill Gordon of Marinwood.


CA-3.            Auditor-Controller:

                     a.     Adopt Resolution No. 2005-_____ authorizing temporary transfer of funds, in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000, to the Marin County General Fund, for meeting the obligations incurred for maintenance purposes by said entity for FY 2005-06.

                     b.     Adopt Resolution No. 2005-_____ authorizing temporary transfer of funds, in an amount not to exceed $2,683,256.25, to the San Rafael Redevelopment Agency, for meeting the obligations incurred for maintenance purposes by said entity for FY 2005-06.


CA-4.            Public Works:

                     a.     Pursuant to Board action on October 19, 2004, approving Invitation For Bid ("IFB") #2431B, approve renewal of blood draw services for the second and third year of a possible five year term, contracting with Arcadia Health Care Systems, Inc. dba Arcadia Health Care of Southfield, MI, in the amount of $104,829.

                     b.     Award Invitation For Bid ("IFB") #2444 to B.T. Mancini Co., Inc. of Milpitas, CA, in the amount of $91,242, for carpet replacement at the Corte Madera Branch of the Marin County Free Library.

                     c.     Authorize President to execute Fifth Amendment to lease with Aldo J. Nicolai for lease of an additional 1,300 square feet of dental office space at 411 Fourth Street, San Rafael, for the Department of Health and Human Services dental clinic.

                     d.     Authorize President to execute agreement with Stillwater Sciences, in the amount of $75,000, to quantify sediment delivery from the upper Lagunitas Creek watershed.


                     CONSENT CALENDAR B (Items CB-1 through CB-2) (4/5 vote required)

                     ("Consent Calendar B" reflects those agenda items requiring a 4/5th vote relating to budgetary matters.)


CB-1.            Parks:

                     Request to take the following actions related to the dedication of the Al Aramburu Preserve:  (a) approve the dedication of the Al Aramburu Preserve; (b) authorize installation of a sign acknowledging the dedication; (c) authorize removal of non-native plants on the Preserve; and (d) accept $4,170 contribution for the maintenance of the Preserve.  (4/5 vote)


CB-2.            Public Works:

                     Request to (a) adopt Resolution No. 2005-___ requesting $160,000 allocation from the Metropolitan Transportation Commission ("MTC") 2004-06 Transportation Development Act ("TDA") Article 3 Pedestrian/Bicycle funding for the Transportation Authority of Marin ("TAM") interagency project to update local Bicycle and Bicycle/Pedestrian Master plans; (b) approve funding allocations for projects recommended by the Marin County Bicycle Advisory Group ("MCBAG") and the Marin Public Works Association ("MPWA") as detailed in staff report dated November 22, 2005; and (c) approve the transfer of local authority for countywide allocations of TDA Article 3 funding from the County to TAM. (4/5 vote)