
Community Development Agency

How can landscapers "green" their businesses? First bring their operations into compliance with all environmental regulations, then adopt pollution prevention and resource conservation practices. The program checklists offer a variety of options for meeting program standards. Here are some examples of what you can do.

Top 10 Tips for Landscapers


  1. Right Plant, Right Place. Use hydrozoning (grouping plants with similar water needs), use drought tolerant and disease resistant plants (native plants!).
  2. Landscape for Less to the Landfill. Mulch or compost green waste on site, avoid plants that require extensive pruning, grasscycle, separate green waste for recycling.

Chemicals and Pesticides

  1. Integrated Pest Management. Use IPM techniques: monitor pests and their natural enemies, use pest-resistant plants, evaluate damage vs. need to treat, use least toxic alternatives, spot treat if needed.
  2. Reduce chemical use. Use IPM techniques, use compost instead of chemical fertilizers for soil and plant health.

Water and Soil

  1. Prevent storm water run-off. Keep pesticides, soil, leaves and debris out of storm drains, keep vehicles and equipment leak-free.
  2. Reduce water use at your job sites. Use drought tolerant plants, hydrozone, mulch, monitor irrigation schedule and system and in your office - install low flow devices on sinks and use water-conserving toilets.
  3. Nurture soil health.

Energy Savings and Landscaping Materials 

  1. Buy recycled-content products. In your office, buy recycled content paper products; in landscaping, use recycled lumber and other recycled content materials.
  2. Reduce energy usage. Use energy efficient lighting in your office and monitor your energy bills.
  3. Reduce emissions. Keep vehicles well-maintained and encourage employees to take public transit or carpool.
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