Carbon Sequestration

Community Development Agency

Why carbon sequestration? How can it help us reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?

Carbon isn't bad. It occurs in our soil, air, and water. It's a basic building block for plant and animal life. But greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide (CO2), in the atmosphere impacts climate change.

Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing carbon from the atmosphere. By keeping carbon stored in our soil and trees, we can slow the rate of climate change.

What can you do?

Support your local farms and ranches

Sustainable agriculture and farming practices can help store carbon in the soil. Many local Marin farms are actively working to sequester carbon. When you buy locally grown food, you are supporting these practices. Carbon sequestration helps to improve soil quality. This helps produce quality food and creates jobs for a sustainable economy. Learn more about these farms, their practices, and buying local food at Grown in Marin and MALT.

Go outside!

Have fun and experience how protected open space is actively storing carbon. Spend time in one of Marin's state or local parks. Explore outdoor options at Marin County Parks and National Parks Service (Point Reyes National Seashore).

Create a fire-resistant and drought tolerant yard

We all want to have beautiful yards, but some plants and materials tend to have a higher risk of fire. Fire safety should be the first consideration in your yard design. Choose to grow fire-resistant, drought tolerant plants and materials for a fire-safe yard. To learn more, visit Fire Safe Marin and the Marin Wildfire Prevention Authority. You may qualify for financial aid to reduce fire risk to your home.

Honor traditional ecological knowledge and native land management practices

Native Americans are the original stewards of the land. No-till farming to forest management are a few examples of traditional native practices. These practices help to sequester carbon and prevent wildfires. Learn more about these practices and the first people's culture.

MarinCAN endorsed solutions at work

Marin Carbon Project

The Marin Carbon Project is a coalition of leading agricultural institutions and producers in Marin County. Marin Resource Conservation District (Marin RCD) and the Carbon Cycle Institute lead this project. The MCP works with local Marin farms to develop and advance climate-friendly practices. Learn more about the Marin Carbon Project and how you can get involved.

Marin Biomass Project

Wildfire prevention and landfill diversion work in the County have led to increased biomass materials. The Marin Biomass Project was developed to address this. This project also aims to explore sustainable uses of biomass feedstocks generated. Visit Marin Resource Conservation District (Marin RCD) to learn more.