Meetings and Workshops

Community Development Agency

This page lists past and future meetings for the 2023-2031 Housing and Safety Elements updates. On this page, you can also find presentations and video recordings of past meetings. Questions may be directed towards County staff by email or by phone (415) 473-7309.

Esta página muestra las reuniones pasadas y futuras para las actualizaciones de Elementos de seguridad y vivienda 2023-2031. En esta página, también puede encontrar presentaciones y grabaciones de video de las reuniones anteriores. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con el Condado por correo electrónico o por teléfono (415) 473-7309.


Upcoming Meetings/ Próximas reuniones

More to come! Subscribe to receive email updates and announcements for community workshops as the County implements the Housing Element programs and policies in the coming years.

¡Hay más por venir! Suscríbase para recibir actualizaciones por correo electrónico y anuncios de talleres comunitarios a medida que el Condado implemente los programas y políticas del Elemento Vivienda en los próximos años.

Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission Meetings and Workshops/ Reuniones y talleres de la Junta de Supervisores y la Comisión de Planificación

BOS = Board of Supervisors; PC = Planning Commission

Community Meetings and Workshops / Reuniones y talleres comunitarias

Staff Presentations / Presentaciones del Condado

⇒ October 2021: County Staff Presentations to Design Review Boards

⇒ October/November 2021: County Staff Presentations to Marin City/Town Councils

  • Presentation (Novato example used)
  • City of Mill Valley (October 18, 2021) | Video, presentation starts at 3:00 | Data Slides
  • Town of Corte Madera (October 19, 2021) | Video, presentation starts at 4:50 | Data Slides
  • Town of Fairfax (October 20, 2021) | Video, presentation starts at 20:45 | Data Slides
  • City of Novato (October 26, 2021) | Video, presentation starts at 3:26 | Data Slides
  • City of San Rafael (November 1, 2021) | Video, presentation starts at 1:01:01 | Data Slides
  • City of Larkspur (November 3, 2021) | Video, presentation starts at 1:34:00 | Data Slides
  • Town of Ross (November 4, 2021) | Video, presentation starts at 2:58:00 | Data Slides
  • City of Belvedere (November 8, 2021) | Audio, coming soon | Data Slides

Timeline / Cronología

high-level timeline of community engagement opportunities for the Housing and Safety Elements


<span lang="es">Elementos de Vivienda y Seguridad: cronológia de reuniones y talleres</span>