Green Hotel

Community Development Agency

How can hotels "green" their businesses? First bring their operations into compliance with all environmental regulations, then adopt pollution prevention and resource conservation practices. The program checklists offer a variety of options for meeting program standards. Here are some examples of what you can do.

Top 10 Green Hotel Practices

Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention

  1. Monitor, record and post rates of energy and water use. Watch for changes that may indicate a need to repair or change equipment.
  2. Evaluate cleaners, sanitizers, paints, pesticides and other chemicals used throughout your facility. Can a safer product be substituted? Can a product be eliminated? Are chemicals being stored safely?

Solid Waste Reduction

  1. Buy recycled-content products for the office, construction and remodeling projects.
  2. Buy in bulk, whether it's guest amenities or food for the kitchen.
  3. Start a recycling program for trash from guest rooms, the kitchen and your business office. Target materials: paper of all kinds, bottles and cans, plastics and cardboard.

Encourage Green Practices in both Employees and Guests

  1. Provide incentives to encourage staff participation in efforts to "green" the establishment.
  2. Institute a linen reuse program in guestrooms.

Conserve Energy and Water

  1. Install energy efficient lighting fixtures and bulbs, heating and air conditioning, washers and dryers, and other electrical equipment.
  2. Install water conserving showerheads and toilets in guestrooms.

Minimize Food Waste

  1. Donate leftover food, amenities and other "extras" to local shelters or other recipients.
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