Local Coastal Program

Community Development Agency

Pt. Reyes Lighthouse

The Local Coastal Program (LCP) is a planning document that identifies the location, type, densities, and other ground rules for future development in the coastal zone. Each LCP includes a land use plan and its implementing measures. These programs govern decisions that determine the short and long term conservation and use of coastal land, water, and other resources in compliance with the 1976 California Coastal Act.

News and Announcements

Updated Local Coastal Program Now In Effect

The "Hybrid" LCP became effective on August 12, 2021. The newly activated Land Use and Implementation Plans can be accessed through the Plans, Policies, and Regulations - Local Coastal Program page.


Local Coastal Program Environmental Hazards Update

March 30, 2022 Environmental Hazards Listening Session Summary

Together with the California Coastal Commission (CCC) North Central Coast District Staff, the Community Development Agency (CDA) hosted a Local Coastal Program (LCP) Environmental Hazards Listening Session on March 30, 2022.

The first portion of the Listening Session served to both brief members of the public on the status of the Environmental Hazards Update and introduce coastal planning considerations that both CDA and Coastal Commission staff must take into account when developing environmental hazard policies. During the latter portion of the meeting, members of the public had an opportunity to share their thoughts and visions for the County’s coastal future.

Community members stressed that there is a desire for the policies to promote resilient communities that can adapt to the unknowns associated with climate change and sea level rise, while also allowing for improvements to private property that address health and safety issues. Environmental hazard policies should provide clarity on what property owners can do to improve, repair, and maintain their existing homes. Policies should be easily understood, and terms should be defined to avoid confusion or misinterpretations.

Section 30116 of the Coastal Act defines sensitive coastal resource areas, which include, “special communities or neighborhoods which are significant visitor destination areas.” Several commenters stated that their interpretation of that policy requires that the update must consider coastal communities with equal weight as scenic and natural resources.

Overall, commenters emphasized the idea that protecting coast is not a zero sum game where existing development must be removed. Instead, the Coastal Act seeks a balance between both the built and natural environment.

Both CCC and CDA staffs will consider the comments shared during this Listening Session as we continue to engage directly, and as the County develops draft environmental hazard policies, before returning to the public for the next round of community input.

Listening Session Materials

The meeting presentation can be found here.

A recording of the meeting can be found here.