Administrative Regulation 11

Matthew H. Hymel, County Executive

Extra-Hire Personnel

Effective Date: Revised April 28, 1992

This regulation is issued pursuant to Chapter 2.08 of the Marin County Code and has been approved by the Board of Supervisors.

  1. Extra-hire employees are essential to the effective operation of the County government. This type of employment shall be used to supplement the regular work force in meeting short-term, irregular needs.
  2. Persons selected for extra-hire employment must meet the employment standards for the classification. Departments should consider using individuals on eligible lists who have indicated an interest in extra-hire employment and assure that Affirmative Action concerns are addressed wherever possible. Other sources of extra-hire may include retirees or other interested and qualified individuals.
  3. As a general rule, each extra-hire employee is limited to 1020 hours employment per fiscal year. Exceptions to this general rule are Student Aides, and defined seasonal and election workers. Extra-hire employees shall be advised of the duration of their employment when they are appointed. Due to the nature of the work, extra-hire Stage Technicians will be exempt from the 1020 hour limitation on hours worked per fiscal year.

    When departments are preparing annual budget requests, projections of extra-hire requirements will be based on past experience. For predictable work schedules, the maximum for each extra-hire employee is 1020 hours per fiscal year; in excess of that, a regular hire position shall be requested.

    Employment of regular hire employees as extra-hire will be controlled in accordance with Section #9 of this regulation.

  4. Department heads may make Step 2 appointments or request personnel to approve a higher step appointment with adequate justification.
  5. No person will be employed in a classification or at a pay rate which is not included in the classification and pay schedule established by the Board of Supervisors.
  6. Extra-hire shall be charged against a regular position allocation on a short-term basis in the case of (1) the approved leave of absence without pay of a regular incumbent, (2) pending establishment of an eligible list, or (3) other special circumstances based upon a demonstration of unusual departmental needs and subject to the approval of the County Administrator. When requesting an extra-hire appointment against regular hire, departments must simultaneously request a certification or a new recruitment, except when the regular hire vacancy is created by leave of absence.
  7. Regular hire positions will be filled from an appropriate regular hire eligible list within thirty days of certification. If no employee is available from a regular hire eligible list, the maximum hours for extra-hire specified in paragraph 4 above may be extended by the County Administrator.
  8. Regular hire employees will not work extra-hire except as allowed in this paragraph. Part-time regular hire employees may, on occasion, work extra-hire in sick leave, vacation or peak workload relief assignments, not to exceed two consecutive pay periods, subject to approval of the County Administrator. In unusual circumstances, the County Administrator may authorize such extra-hire employment for more than two pay periods.
  9. All paper work, including Personnel Action Form 101, payroll forms and application review, should be completed prior to the effective date of extra-hire employment. In the event an extra-hire employee fails to meet the classification or the procedures included in this administrative regulation, he or she shall be terminated immediately.
  10. Retired employees may return to work on an extra-hire basis up to 120 days or 960 hours per fiscal year. Retired employees may return to County service in the same position they held prior to retirement and at the same step they held prior to retirement.